In Making Website All of New Web Developers Wants To Make a Social Networking Website .In This Time Craze of Making Social Networking Site .I Have Received Many of Emails Asking About How to Make a Social Networking Website And How to Make Chat Application .The Social Networking Sites is That Were People Can Create a Social Network or Create a Social Community. Where They Can Easly Connect With the community members very easy and also give there views for everythings. it looks great in entering in the social networking market you have to spent lots of money and lots of work to make a social networking website. you know that almost all the social networking sites are now become a brand so you have to build a company and advertise your company and make your company as brand promote your website. In programing a social networking website from there the real works starts you have a very good knowledge in programing for making social networking sites you also buy programme from other website but you have to costomize the programme of social networking for use in your website. In also entering the market of social networking you have to gain visitor for your website for that you have to spend money on advertisement because almost every body is in social networking site and getting a visitors and members is not A easy game. In my opinion don t go to make social networking site prefer making other useful website. for making a userfriendly website have many opportunities so lets starts ,make your website
you are right Yatindra. Social Networking Websites must be have interactive features and easy navigation. also site look and feel must be attractive to engage the visitors.